Impotence at a Young Age
Impotence at a Young Age

Don’t get surprised if you see someone facing issues with erections at a very young age. Nowadays, erectile failure is getting common among men during their 20s and 30s just like men have it in their 50s or 60s. In this blog, we’ll be discussing a major contributor to impotence at a young age – pornography.

Porn Addiction

Pornography addiction prevails worldwide whether it is among young or elderly males. Most men find it as a legit alternative whenever they’re looking for something new to make love with their partner or masturbate without a partner. It’s unbelievable how the pornography industry is thriving and attracting an audience from all over the world. Not only men but also women are addicted to watching porn videos. Thus, it is increasingly becoming a cause of sexual dissatisfaction and erectile dysfunction.

How porn addiction links to ED?

Men addicted to porn movies are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction. Also, they’re less satisfied with sexual intercourse and this has been revealed by many studies. Such sexual behavior creates a default ‘reward system’ response by altering the chemical activities of the brain. When it comes to pornography, creates a strong stimulus of circuitry. As a result, the spontaneity of action and ability for attaining desired hardness is badly affected.

Younger males experience inefficiency in gaining and keeping desired hardness and this makes them feel a lack of self-esteem. They try to attain sexual satisfaction by watching nude images and porn videos. In this faster-moving world, younger men start competing in reality with the unreal fantasy world. Moreover, social media plays a crucial role in pushing them to watch porn films. It increases unrealistic expectations from their partner. When the expectations and reality mismatch, sexual dissatisfaction happen. It thus creates fights and troubles in relationships.

Is Pornography the only reason for ED in young males?

It isn’t clear whether porn addiction is the only cause of ED in younger males. There are several causes behind this issue. In addition, younger men also suffer from diabetes, stress, depression, anxiety, blood pressure, and similar health problems. Thus, their ongoing medicines play a crucial role in causing the softness of erections. Besides this, obesity, lack of exercise, and other lifestyle factors influence erectile health.

What could be the solution?

No matter if erectile dysfunction is stemming from pornography, or other physical or psychological health issues, it can affect the younger population. In case you’re addicted to watching porn films or have any other health issues then ED can happen. However, accept the fact and move on by finding a relevant treatment option. For instance, some young men have impotence due to ongoing medicines or temporary work stress, performance anxiety, etc. Once such underlying issues are solved, it is possible to gain and keep erections as desired.

Thus, you can consult your healthcare provider and find a prescription medicine like Fildena 100mg, Big Fun, Cenforce, Kamagra, Tadalista Super Active, etc. There are so many options available to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a mild, moderate, or severe dosage, you’ll always find one.


Thinking about a problem will not bring a solution. You need to find one by consulting your healthcare provider. No matter if you have ED at young or old age, there is a medication for everyone. Why don’t you get yours prescribed today!?


Erectile Pharma

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