An erection is the hardening of the penis when the soft tissues inside it fill with blood. It occurs most frequently during sexual arousal but can sometimes also happen randomly. How long an erection lasts varies among individuals, and lots of factors can affect it. The duration of an erection can vary according to physical and psychological factors, including age, stress, medications (Fildena, Vidalista, etc.), and health conditions.
How do Erections Work?
Several things can affect how long an individual can stay erect. An erection occurs when the blood flows to the penis increases, causing it to vary in shape and size.
There are three stages to an erection:
- Soft or flaccid penis: This is often the penis’s “normal” state, and it occurs when there’s no arousal or stimulation via sight, touch, or fantasizing. In this phase, a regular amount of blood flows to and from the penis.
- Swollen penis: Sexual stimulation causes the blood vessels and other tissue of the penis so that more blood flows into the penis than flows out. The penis starts to stiffen during this phase.
- Erect penis: The penis becomes erect to its full length. The nerves receptors send more blood to the penis and restrict blood out of it. The penis becomes fully erect, allowing sexual intercourse to occur.
A variety of physical or psychological issues can prevent long-lasting erection for sexual intercourse.
How Long Should Sex And Erections Last?
There is no universal set time for the length of how long a penis should remain erect. Usually, an erection may last from a couple of minutes to roughly half an hour. However, this will vary significantly thanks to the various factors which will affect erection duration.
In some cases, a person may have difficulty achieving and maintaining a firm erection for satisfactory sex. Physical or psychological factors can contribute to male erectile dysfunction (ED) or ejaculation (PE).
In other cases, an individual may have a protracted erection unrelated to sexual intercourse or interest, which is understood as priapism. Medications, drugs, and injury can cause priapism, which may be a significant condition thanks to the danger of permanent tissue damage.
Factors That Affect Erections
A variety of things can temporarily cause erection problems. These include:
- Fatigue
- Alcohol or narcotic use
- Distractions
- Feelings of self-consciousness
- Tension
- Being uncomfortable with a partner
In addition to temporary causes of erection trouble, medical issues also can cause short- or long-term ED.
Erectile Dysfunction
ED occurs when an individual is unable to get or keep an erection long enough for sexual intercourse. Several factors, like stress or relationship issues, can worsen ED. Some common causes of ED include:
- Age over 50 years
- High vital signs or blood glucose levels
- Smoking
- Cardiovascular issues
- Obesity
- Lack of exercise
- High cholesterol levels
- Recreational drug or alcohol use
Several treatments are available for ED, including medications like Fildena 100, Vidalista 20, more physical interventions, and, potentially, surgery.