Are Online Medicines Safe?
Are Online Medicines Safe?

Recent studies on the prevalence of erectile dysfunction have consistently shown one thing. A large percentage of men who have erectile dysfunction do not seek treatment. Why not? Well, some men are embarrassed while others want a quick and easy fix. This is where the recent prevalence of online doctors prescribing online meds comes in, but is this the best option?

Several companies have been created to fill the void between in-person doctor visits and online ordering of unregulated medication. Patients are charged a flat fee and speak to a physician licensed in their state over the phone or via video chat. The physician takes their history, discusses treatment options, and prescribes medication when appropriate. The benefits of consulting a doctor online are that more men are being treated for ED that otherwise wouldn’t be and the cost to interact with a doctor is less than an in-person visit in most cases.

However, there are many reasons why visiting an erectile dysfunction specialist is a better long-term option. A specialist will examine all aspects of your health to determine the cause and the best treatment option. Levels of hormones and lipids that could affect erectile function. They will examine your physical and mental health to assess any physical or psychological components and how to deal with them. A specialist will perform a physical exam and use diagnostic equipment to further isolate the root cause of the dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction often occurs with other diseases, such as premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation, low Testosterone, and reduced sensitivity of the penis. All of these conditions have treatment options that a specialist can offer. If your ED is caused due to decreased blood flow to the penis, the doctor may prescribe medicines. ED medicines like Fildena 100mg, Vidalista 60mg, or Kamagra oral jelly 100mg are ok to buy online, but make sure you are buying them from a certified online medical store.

Another Consideration Is What Happens If The Pills Don’t Work?

Many men will find that the pills are not strong enough, that they cannot be taken for medical reasons, or that the side effects are too severe to justify taking them. In these scenarios, the only option is to see a specialist who can prescribe stronger medications or use techniques such as shock wave therapy or injections, neither of which are available through online services.


Erectile Pharma

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